Automated billing function in VetCheck Charts

Automated billing at the time the task is checked off it available with Merlin only.

When the cell is clicked, a popup will appear asking to enter name, description, quantity of item and if the medication is from the Merlin list, the item will appear with the quantity on the checklist below and also be pushed back to the pre-invoice once checked off.

Every time a task or medication is completed and sent back , the billable item will appear in the billing checklist at the bottom of the chart with a green check against.

When you click on SUBMIT CHART, any items that weren't successful in transferring over weill directly send to the clinics Practice Management Software (PMS).

Merlin and VetCheck integration for Billable items

The integration between Merlin and VetCheck allows you to import all your medication and service list.

To import your list from Merlin, go to the settings of VetCheck from the preference menu, go to the medication list tab. Click on "IMPORT MEDICATION LIST FROM PMS"

Search from your existing Merlin list by typing into the Search medication field. A list of existing products will start to appear

The list will import the medication how it exactly appears in Merlin. Add any dose rates, routes or whether the product is billable into here.

Once in a GA or Hospital chart, your Merlin inventory list will appear within the charts, in the medication section.

If the task is selected or used and a timestamp placed, the item will push back to the Merlin pre-invoice and appear on the billing items list at the bottom of the chart with a green check against it.

This is how it will appear in Merlin as a pre-invoice.

If you do NOT want a task to push back to the Merlin patient file pre-invoice, uncheck the product from the billable checklist on the VetCheck GA or Hospital chart BEFORE creating the chart.

For Merlin, once the form is submitted, the billing items go into a pre-invoice.