Creating your active patient list for the day will streamline your workflow and bring consistency to the team. Any chart e.g. hospital, dental, GA that is created from the practice management system will automatically appear on the active patient list within VetCheck until the chart is submitted.
Please note you can update your filter list in the settings menu
Always close the chart using the cross, BEFORE closing the actual chrome browser window.
On your tablet device, log into VetCheck via to Active Patients
Use the alert section to add important message ie. DNR, NPO, patient order i.e. Sx1, Sx2. Create these by adding thix text into the "important alerts" section of the chart.
On the left-hand side, there is a “Viewing” button. You can toggle between ALL or TODAY. Select Hospital, GA, Dental, Lab, Boarding, Grooming and Ready to for Home
On the right-hand side of the active whiteboard, there is a toggle. You can toggle between displaying all tasks or a summary.
When the pet is ready to go home, the procedure status can be updated to “to go home”
It will then be removed from the chart tab and relocated to the “To go home” tab.