Understanding the Not Applicable (NA) Feature within the Charts

This feature is often used when a treatment plan or anaesthesia protocol needs to be updated and an existing medication or task is no longer required. VetCheck allows you to allocate a NA to specific items so that teams no longer perform these.

Why the N/A Feature is Crucial

When managing a digital hospital / anaesthesia charts for a veterinary clinic, it is essential to maintain a transparent and accurate record of all tasks and medications. Instead of deleting items, which can obscure the history and potentially lead to misunderstandings, VetCheck has an "N/A" button.

Here's why this approach is important:

  1. Maintains Chain of Custody: By greying out tasks or medications instead of deleting them, we ensure that there is a clear record of every action taken or considered. This chain of custody is crucial for understanding the full context of a patient's treatment history.
  2. Enhances Transparency: Keeping a visible record of all tasks and medications, even those that are no longer applicable, enhances transparency. This practice allows all team members to see what was originally planned and any subsequent changes, creating a culture of openness and accountability.
  3. Error Resolution: In the event of a human error, having a trace of the modified or removed task helps in identifying and resolving issues quickly. It allows for a clear audit trail, making it easier to understand what happened and why.
  4. Medical Accountability: For both legal and medical reasons, it's important to have a complete record of the patient's treatment. This helps in ensuring that the clinic meets professional standards and provides the best possible care.

By using the "N/A" button to grey out fields rather than deleting them, we maintain a comprehensive and transparent record, ultimately improving patient care and operational integrity.