SAVE TO TASKS - Handouts & Discharge Instructions

The SAVE TO TASKS function is a convenient way to prepare discharge instructions prior to the client arrival for discharge or as a way to prepare the handout for another team to take over.


  • Before the pet is handed over to the next vet team
  • To prepare the home care instructions while the pet is in surgery
Scenario Example

Locate the Handout You Wish to Share

Locate VetCheck from within your practice management system (PMS) and open the handout from the EDUCATION tab that you wish to share. The client details should pre-populate from your PMS.

Locate Handout

How to Activate the Save to Tasks Button

You must complete the blue form input fields in order for the save to tasks button to activate.

Save to Tasks Button

Add Optional Client Instructions

Enter any optional client instructions, such as the date of procedure, reason for admission, or estimate. Create or select a template where relevant.

Optional Client Instructions

Add Photos, Links, or Payment Gateway Links

Simply click on the pawprint image with the plus sign and take a photo of the document from the tablet, or add a PDF or PNG document from the desktop.

Add Photos or Links

How to Access the Form on a Tablet

Once the handout has been saved to the tasks list from the desktop within the practice management system, you can access the form via two methods on a tablet:

  1. Log into VetCheck on the tablet via a Chrome browser -
  2. Open the form on the practice management history and scan the QR code onto the tablet.
Access Form on Tablet


Once you are ready to share the discharge instructions, simply click on “SHARE WITH CLIENT.”

Share with Client